KorrNews V4.11, Status 22.10.2001
© Thomas G. Liesner

This is an English translation of Thomas G. Liesner's Korrnews web pages as they were supplied with version 4.02. Anything German left are the Headlines as they appear in the program, so you can crossreference the helpfile with the actual program. You might also wish to compare Rick's translation of V2.88 as far as the older features are concerned

(Hamster & Hamstertools) , ( Download V4.1 )
(Description of Header.def (sq 2.88)) (Korrnews history)(german) (Korrnews history) (sq 2.88))

Table of contents

  1. General information
  2. Application
  3. Configuration / General
    1. HTML assistance
    2. Assistant
    3. Default-Charset-Settings (incl. introduction to the problematic of charsets
    4. Configuration of "boxquotes"
    5. Configuration of automatic footnotes
    6. Configuration of One-Liner & Reformat
  4. Configuration (Step-by-step)
    1. Grundeinstellungen (General settings)
    2. Charsets
    3. Codings
      1. Introduction
      2. Convertion between 8-Bit, Base64, QP...
      3. Convert HTML to Text
      4. Extract Attachments
      5. Unneeded blanks and blank lines
    4. Header corrections
      1. Bzgl. aller Headerzeilen (Header I) (Concerning all header lines)
      2. Subject header(Header I)
      3. From and Reply-to header(Header I)
      4. Lines-header(Header I)
      5. DATE-header(Header II)
      6. References-header(Header II)
      7. Header-Reihenfolge (Header II)(Header-Sequence)
      8. X-Headerzeilen setzen/löschen (Header II) (set/delete X-Headers)
      9. CopyFups-Korrektur (Header III) (correction for CopyFups)
      10. Hamster-Mails (Header III)
    5. Body corrections
      1. Body-Header (Body I)
      2. Signature (Body I)
      3. Einrückungen (Body II) (Indentions)
    6. Sonderfunktionen (Special functions (for OE ect))
      1. Fußnoten-Automatik (Automatic footnotes)
      2. manuelle "Reformats" und "Oneliner" (manual "Reformats" and "Oneliners")
      3. Boxquotes
      4. OE-Kamm-Quoting-Reparatur (OE comb-quote fix)
      5. Sonstiges (Other)
    7. Header.def
    8. Order of various technical corrections
  5. Notes on various newsreaders
    1. Introduction
    2. Forte agent
    3. Forte Free agent
    4. Outlook Express & MS-News
    5. Netscape Mozilla
    6. Anaware Gravity
    7. XNews
    8. Lotus Notes
  6. Support for Korrnews & Co

1. General information

This program makes it possible to get around various errors of an existing Newsreader/Mailreader, or to complete its' functionality and add various comfort functions. This is achieved by the fact that Korrnews is called after posting from the News/Mailreader, before the local new server dispatches the message by revising the files available as plain text depending on it's settings .

Korrnews was developed for co-operation with the hamster , however nothing speaks against using it with another server if the appropriate requirements are met. At present it should function without modification with Morver and with Crosspoint it in their current versions.

The "scope of supply" contains the following files:

(to the table of contents)

2. Application

Application directly "within" hamster:

If Hamster is version 22.0 or higher, the call can be created permanently by means of Assistant so that each Posting and each outgoing Mail are worked over again automatically. In that case the following skripts are then no longer necessary.

Application e.g. within a hamster script:

New language version, short script:

Execute ("KorrNews.exe Mails News", "", 1,true) 
New language version, long script:

#!debug 1 
debug(1, "Wait") 
debug(1, "deactivate functions") 
HamMessage (2, 0) # RESET Counter
HamMessage (5, 0) # stop SMTP server 
HamMessage (3, 0) # stop NNTP server 
debug(1, "starting Korrnews") 
Execute ("KorrNews.exe Mails News ", "", 1, true) 
debug(1, " connection manufacture") 
HamRasDial("... ")  
debug(1, "the work begins...")  
HamFetchmail (...)
Execute ("mixgroup.exe", "", 1, true) 
Execute ("CopyFups.exe", "", 1, true) 
HamMessage (5, 1) # restart SMTP server
HamMessage (3, 1) # restart NNTP server 
print(" finished! ")  
Mixgroup and CopyFups are additional Tools of mine, which are optional and are completely replaceable by CopyIf.

In order to be able to directly call Korrnews in this script, the following adjustments are necessary: Korrnews and the Header.def file must be in the Hamster directory, possibly used Sig files likewise. Normally Korrnews adapts the Message Path correctly when first starting , otherwise this must be retrieved - for Mail the path "Mails\Mail.out" is relevant, for News the path "Groups\News.out" both of which must be in the Hamster directory.

All other options for News and Mail must be set separately. If one would like different "Header.def"'s for Mail and News, one can also set this in the configuration.

Configuration is achieved very simple: When Korrnews is started without parameters , you come directly to the configuration dialog.

(to the table of contents)

3. Configuration / Functions

You set the configuration by starting Korrnews without parameters. On the left you see the list of the sections, on the right the actual settings. The first line in the list contains the general configuration.

The general configuration regulates the things, which are to apply to all specific sections together. When starting Korrnews the selection beam is automatically on the general configuration. The individual settings are on the right available through the Buttons.

3.1. HTML assistance

calls this assistance. (Actually it will call the German-Version unless you copy this file in it's place)

3.2. Assistant

The assistant is to simplify certain processes somewhat, at present the following functions are available in the assistant:

Let Hamster start Korrnews automaticly: As mentioned above, Hamster in its current version is able to call via so-called of " Actions " Korrnews on receipt of Mails or News . The configuration of these actions be set here with one click on a button.

Configure Korrnews for Outlook Express : A simplification for OE users, who do not desire to check all the relevant options themselves. The hinttext expains what will be activated in detail.

3.3. Default-Zeichensatz-Einstellungen

Zuerst einmal ein kurzer Exkurs zur Bedeutung der Zeichensätze:

Unter Windows wird üblicherweise mit dem Zeichensatz Windows-1252 gearbeitet bzw. zumindest unter NT intern mit Unicode. Der Unterschied besteht darin, daß Windows-1252 maximal 255 verschiedene Zeichen beinhalten kann (pro Zeichen ein Byte), wobei die Hälfte bereits durch die ASCII-Zeichen vorgefüllt sind. Unicode erlaubt dagegen bis zu 65535 (UCS-2) oder bis zu 65536*65536 Zeichen (UCS-4) zu unterscheiden. Sinn macht dies zum einen in asiatischen Sprachen mit sehr vielen Wort-/Silbensymbolen oder zum anderen beim Mischen verschiedener Sprachen. Innerhalb von Westeuropa kommt man mit einem deutlich geringeren Zeichenvorrat aus.

Im Usenet ist eigentlich alles per Default alles ascii, was u.a. keine Umlaute, Währungszeichen u.a. erlaubt. Dank MIME kann aber der Zeichensatz angegeben werden, in dem das Posting erstellt wurde, so daß diese Beschränkung umgangen werden kann. Zumindest in de.ALL üblich ist ISO-8859-1, welcher weitgehend dem Windows-Zeichensatz entspricht, aber u.a. typographische Anführungsstriche und den Euro vermissen läßt. Für letzteren gibt es ISO-8859-15, welcher weitgehend ISO-8859-1 entspricht, aber u.a. auch den Euro enthält. Darüberhinaus gibt es noch Zeichensätze für Russisch, für diverse asiatische Sprachen, für skandinavische Sprachen etc pp. Der Oberbegriff ist praktisch Unicode, der alle Zeichen aller spezifischen Zeichensätze umfasst.

Damit Korrnews z.B. beim Einfügen einer Signatur oder ähnlichem korrekt arbeiten kann, unterstützt es ab V4.0 diese Zeichensatzdeklarationen automatisch, auf dieser Seite finden sich die passenden Grundeinstellungen. Korrnews hat dabei defacto folgende Einschränkungen: UCS-4 wird nicht unterstützt, dies dürfte recht selten praxisrelevante Probleme geben, desweiteren beachtet es keine Multi-Byte-Zeichensätze und bei Zeichensätzen, die nicht explizit unterstützt werden, kann keine Garantie für die Ergebnisse im Sonderzeichenbereich gegeben werden. Zumindest die im deutschen und US-Usenet üblichen Zeichensätze dürften aber komplett abgedeckt werden.

Der interne Zeichensatz bezieht sich auf alle Texte innerhalb von Skripten, Signaturdateien etc und sollte nicht grundlos geändert werden - ob diese Einstellung an allen relevanten Stellen im Programmcode schon beachtet wird kann ich zur Zeit auch noch nicht garantieren.

Die folgenden beiden Einstellungen beziehen sich auf die Zeichensätze, auf die KN zurückgreifen darf. Die Headereinstellung bezieht sich auf die Kodierung von Sonderzeichen im Header (Subject, From etc) mittels =?ISO?Zeichensatz?Q?.....?= und die Bodyeinstellung für den im normalen Text verwendeten Zeichensatz.

Sollten die Zeichensatzzusammenstellungen nicht gefallen, kann man die charset.dat entsprechend anpassen. Eine optimale Einstellung gibt es nicht, da jeder Zeichensatz oberhalb von ascii von irgendjemanden als störend betrachtet wird:

  1. ISO-8859-1: Zumindest Amerikaner empfinden Umlaute z.T. schon als störend, innerhalb Westeuropas dürfte man aber damit nicht anecken und die einzig sinnvolle Vermeidung ist das Weglassen aller Sonderzeichen.
  2. ISO-8859-15: Dieser Zeichensatz unterstützt zwar den Euro, aber zum einen hat nicht jeder einen Zeichensatz mit Eurosymbol aktiviert/installiert, zum anderen ist die Unterstützung bei diversen Newsreader noch nicht gegeben, selbst wenn sie prinzipiell mit ANSI umgehen können. Beispiele: Netscapes Mozilla (zumindest in der 4.7x) oder Gnus/Emacs in (älteren?) Versionen. Bei Nicht-MIME-fähigen Newsreadern a la Gravity oder Forte Free Agent oder XNews kommt das internationale Währungszeichen (auch anfliegende Rakete genannt) raus. Falls diese Einschränkungen stören, kann man auch einfach Euro ausschreiben.
  3. Western-1252/cp1252: Der Windows-Zeichensatz ist zwar genauso normiert wie ISO-8859-15, aber speziell Linux-Eiferer reagieren recht allergisch auf diesen Zeichensatz. Für Nicht-MIME-fähige Newsreader unter Windows ist er natürlich das Optimum.
  4. utf-7/utf-8: Theoretisch das Optimum, rein praktisch haben damit noch viele Newsreader Probleme, vor allem ist die Lesbarkeit bei Nichtkodierung grauenvoll. Speziell utf-7 kodiert auch einige "normale" Zeichen wie ">" oder "=", so daß man im Bedarfsfall eher utf-8 nehmen sollte, welches bei 8-Bit-Kodierung aber zumindest theoretisch von Mailgateways oder anderen nicht 8-Bit-festen Streckenpunkten geshreddert werden kann.
Langer Rede kurzer Sinn: Sofern die "normalen" Zeichensätze nicht reichen, muß entweder auf Western-1252 oder Unicode ausgewichen werden, welches man in dem Fall bevorzugt, muß jeder für sich selbst ausmachen, der Default-Wert ist dabei im Endeffekt willkürlich gewählt.

(Specials.ini, Abschnitt [Charsets], Einstellungen "Internal", "DefBody" und "DefHeader")

3.3. "Box-Quotes" konfigurieren (Configure "Boxquotes"):

Boxquotes are a special type of quotation, which are for emphasis or external quotations and originate from the Linux newsreaders. Korrnews allows up to nine different box configurations, the details can be set via this dialogbox.

In the dialog the lines an be set, which permit the recognition for Korrnews, these lines are case-sensitive. Whether the quoted text is to originate from an external file or follows in the text can be set in the box-definition. The explanation of the further options can probably be saved due to the integrated preview.

The use of Boxquotes is like this: If Boxquotes are permitted for the appropriate specific section (i.e mail, news, mail.in ect) you write in the case of file-boxquotes only the defined initial line followed by the file name into an individual line, in the other case the initial line as a single line in the Posting, in the next line the heading if necessary (and following that line naturally the set title/text-seperartor) and afterwards the actual text, which must be concluded sometime times with the set final line. The conversion takes place then, as soon as Korrnews receives the article for processing.

(Boxquotes.ini, Abschnitt [BQ#Nummer], Einstellungen "BQType", "BQStartLine", "BQSepLine", "BQEndLine", "BQGraphics", "BQTitleLeft", "BQTitleRight", "BQTitle", "BQFrom", "BQWidth", "BQWidthTop", "BQWidthDown", "BQTopLeft", "BQTopRight", "BQLeft", "BQRight", "BQBottomLeft", "BQBottomRight")

#note: following example missing in 4.02
this is the highlighted text

turns to
,---- [ test ] 
| this is the highlighted text

3.4. Footnotes configure

Footnotes help to collect URLs or additional explanations, which would inflate the text at the end of the Postings.

In the dialog the following settings are necessary: The start and final identifier, the line length and if necessary the substitute symbol for line-breaks (if it is empty, there will be no linebreaks within footnotes) For the representation it can be still decided whether the footnotes before or (IMHO more meaningfully) below the " LINES " (Special area of text added at the end of the body before the sig with the use of header.def), whether a heading is required, whether and if with which character it is to be underlined and whether thereafter still another blank line is required.

Application looks then in such a way: If Footnotes are permitted for the appropriate specific section (i.e mail, news, mail.in ect) and you set as a startID for example " (FN: " and as final identifier " # entered) ", you can write in the text e.g. the following:

   In order to fully utilize the potential of Hamster(FN:  a local News/Mailserver for Windows #), the Tools Korrnews(FN:
http://home.knuut.de/tgl/ (there you also find hamster) #) and
CopyIf(FN:  likewise found on TGL's(FN:   aka "Thomas G.
Liesner" #) homepage #) are much recommended.  Even using OE you can produce
then even to a large extent RFC conformal Postings.

Bye, Marcus
As result something like the following will come out:
   In order to fully utilize the potential of Hamster[1 ] , the Tools
Korrnews[2]  and CopyIf[3 ]  are much recommended.  Even using 
OE you can produce then even to a large extent RFC conformal Postings.

Bye, Marcus

Footnotes:  ========= 
[ 1 ] a local News/Mailserver for Windows 
[ 2 ] http://home.knuut.de/tgl (there you also find hamster) 
[ 3 ]  likewise found on TGL's[4 ] homepage 
[ 4 ] aka "Thomas G. Liesner"
Some pitfalls are to be considered: In order to get a correct line-break, a blank is recomended after the footnote introduction. Also a footnote may not go beyond paragraph boundaries, otherwise ir will not be detected it as such. The paragraph recognition might operate under normal conditions correctly, with blank lines between the paragraphs you can prevent errors still more reliably. Additionally footnotes are not executed in quotations.

(Footnote.ini, Abschnitt [Footnotes], Einstellungen "FNTitle", "FNBegin", "FNEnd", "FNWordWrapAfter", "FNPos", "FNUnderline", "FNUnderlineWith", "FNTitleEmptyLine", "FNToCRLF")

3.6. One-Liner & Reformat konfigurieren

Sinn von "Reformat"s:
Diese Funktion ist hauptsächlich für "zerbombte" oder überlange Fremdzitate interessant: Durch Umklammern des gewünschten Absatzes mit einer einstellbaren Einleitung am Anfang und einer einstellbaren Kennung am Ende wird alles in einen langen Satz verpackt und auf die in den Fußnoten eingestellte Zeilenbreite neu umgebrochen. Aus:

 RF:Das ist ein
 Beispiel für einen total kaputten Zeilenumbruch - teilweise viel zu lange Zeilen und
 viel zu kurze.#
wird dann sowas wie:
 Das ist ein Beispiel für einen total kaputten Zeilenumbruch - teilweise 
 viel zu lange Zeilen und teilweise viel zu kurze.
Im Falle eines "reformatierten" Zitates ist noch zu beachten, daß das "RF:" am Zeilenanfang vor dem Zitatzeichen stehen muß und daß Korrnews automatisch alle Zeilen mit der Zitattiefe der ersten Zeile versieht. Beispiel:
 RF:>> Das ist ein Beispiel für einen total kaputten Zeilenumbruch im Zitat - teilweise 
 viel zu 
 >>lange Zeilen und teilweise viel zu kurze.#
wird zu:
 >> Das ist ein Beispiel für einen total kaputten Zeilenumbruch im Zitat
 >> - teilweise viel zu lange Zeilen und teilweise viel zu kurze.

Sinn eines "Oneliner"s:
Diese Funktion hilft z.B., wenn Programme wie XNews auch URLs zwangsumbrechen wollen. Alle Absätze, die mit der eingestellten Kennung beginnen und mit der eingestellten Kennung enden, werden zu einer Zeile vereint. Beispiel:

wird zu:

Die Einstellmöglichkeiten des Dialoges selber dürften selbsterklärend sein. Bei der Wahl der Kennungen sollte man darauf achten, daß diese nicht versehentlich vorkommen können und trotzdem gut merkbar sind.

(Specials.ini, Abschnitt [Oneliner], Einstellungen "Begin" und "End" und Abschnitt [Reformat], Einstellungen "Begin" und "End")

4. Configuration / single section

If a single section is selected, appears on the right of a tab with the options of the section.

With the Button " New " above the list one produces a new section with the default values, with " Copy as " you copy the settings of the current section under a new name and with " Delete " a section can be deleted again. "New" and "Delete" affect immediately, modifications of the settings of an existing section will only come into effect when pressing "OK" when they will be saved.

In order to test the functions, " dry exercises " are recommended: Simply call Korrnews with parameters and look at the modified msg files, save some Testpostings.

By the way the call of Korrnews does not produce a reaction with the exceptionof a short flashing in the taskbar - the activity is only detectable by the result, in use of Only_KN.exe even the flash is missing. The example header " x-Korrnews: Used " is e.g. a quite good indicator that the call worked. To allow for the vanity of the author you can let a reference of the use of Korrnews be in any header, this is however naturally purely voluntary.

4.1. Basic settings

permits Korrnews and auxiliary files (ini-file and header.def) to be in any directory outside of the Message directory. If a MessagePath is set, Mails and News are processed there, not in the Korrnews-directory. In connection with hamster the section "Hamsterverzeichnis\Groups\News.out" and "Hamsterverzeichnis\Mails\Mails.out" are relevant, these are automatically used, if Korrnews is installed directly in the hamster directory.
(Korrnews.ini: Option " Messagepath ", default: empty)

permits to have the data-files (header.def, signature files without path specification) in a directory outside of the program directory.
(Korrnews.ini: Option " Filepath ", default: empty)

If you require different header definitions in different section (thus e.g. Mail and News), you can determine here the header file for each section. In order to process the up-to-date selected file, clicks on the switching surface " Edit " is enough. The name "Header.def" is rather traditional than meaningful and refers to the first versions, which only permitted the setting/deletion of individual headers by means of the Header.def.
(Korrnews.ini: Option " Header.def ", default: " Header.def ")

Dateiendung der Posting/Maildateien (File extension of the News/Mail files):
decides, which files Korrnews is to work on. IFor Hamster, the proper setting is "msg", if instead e.g. MTQ is to be supported, would be more suitable the ending "*". An empty entry really is for files without an extension.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "CheckFilesWithExtension", default: "msg")

Ignore first xx and last xx lines of mail/posting:
This setting was integrated particularly for Crosspoint and provides for the fact that the first and/or last lines remain guaranteed unchanged and Korrnews " only " the remainder processed.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "SafeReg1" and "SafeReg2", default: "0")

Save changed file with this file extention:
Allows you to experiment with Korrnews. If this setting is set, the original files are no longer overwritten with the corrected version, instead the corrected version is created with the extension indicated here. For example, if "new" is specified, then the corrected copy of "00000023.msg" is saved to "0000023.new" and no changes are made to "00000023.msg".
(Korrnews.ini: Option "DontChangeRenameToExtension", default: empty)

Create backup of ...:
Specifies if the original masseage is to be stored with a "Bak" extention.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "MakeBak", default: "0", where "0"=no and "1"=yes)

4.2. Zeichensätze

Hier ist es möglich, die für Header und Body verfügbaren Zeichensätz für spezielle Abschnitte zu ändern, die Grundeinstellungen, welche über die Einstellung "Default" erreicht werden, sind unter Allgemeines konfigurierbar, dort finden sich auch die technischen Hintergrundinformationen zu den Zeichensätzen.

Automatisch minimalen Zeichensatz wählen:
Damit überprüft Korrnews nach allen Änderungen, ob der gewählte Zeichensatz (bzgl. des Bodys) nicht unnötig "groß" ist und nutzt ggf. einen "kleineren" Zeichensatz, dessen Zeichenvorrat für das konkrete Posting bzw. die konkrete Mail ausreicht.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "MinBodyCharset", Default: "0", wobei "0" für "Nein" und "1" für "Ja" steht)

4.3. Kodierungen

4.3.1 Einleitung

Wieder ein kurzer Grundlagentext zum Verständnis für die folgenden Einstellungen:

Wie schon bei den Zeichensätzen erwähnt, ist Usenet und Mail ursprünglich eine 7-Bit-Veranstaltung gewesen. Auch wenn das Usenet als 8-Bit-tauglich gilt und auch die meisten Mailrouter mit 8-Bit keine Probleme mehr haben,

Somit haben die entsprechenden Kodierungen auch heute noch durchaus praktische Bedeutung.

Folgende Kodierungen kennt Korrnews:

Die Spezialität UUEncode-kodiert wird zumindest vorerst von Korrnews nicht behandelt, da maschinell nicht zuverlässig erkennbar und konzeptionell auch schlecht behandelbar.

4.3.2 Konvertierung zwischen 8-Bit, Base64, QP...

Standard-Text-Kodierung ff:
Um eine 4x4-Tabelle zu vermeiden, wurde das Konzept für die automatischen Konvertierungen folgendermaßen realisiert (Sollte dies zu unflexibel erscheinen - per Header.def können die gewünschten Konvertierungen auch dynamisch realisiert werden): Man wählt hier die gewünschte Zielkodierung, die man üblicherweise verwenden möchte und kann in den folgenden drei Einstellungen durch Ankreuzen oder Nicht-Ankreuzen wählen, welche Kodierungen von Korrnews in die Standard-Kodierung überführt werden sollen. Wie die Überschrift schon sagt, beschränkt sich KN automatisch auf die Teile eines Multi-Part-Postings, welche einen Text-Typ aufweisen.
(Korrnews.ini: Optionen "DefaultEncoding", "Convert8Bit", "ConvertQP" und "ConvertBase64")

4.3.3 HTML in Text konvertieren

HTML nach Text konvertieren:
Diese Funktion ist für Benutzer von Newsreadern bzw. Mailreadern gedacht, welche nicht Teil eines Browsers sind. Die Funktion konvertiert den Original-HTML-Code nach purem Text, wobei natürlich im Detail viel weggeschmissen wird (ca. 50%), aber die wesentlichen Inhalte ganz gut lesbar sein sollten. Sinn hat das im Normalfall nur bei eingehenden Mails bzw. in Copyif (ab Version 2.0).
(Korrnews.ini: Option "HTML2Text", Default: "0", also "Nein")

Original speichern unter:
Um trotzdem die volle Schönheit des Originals geniessen zu können, wird hier Pfad und Dateiname angegeben, unter dem die Originalen html-Postings gespeichert werden sollen. In den Namen sollte man ein "*" integrieren, das bewirkt, daß KN automatisch immer einen neuen Dateinamen vergibt d.h. aus Original_*.html werden die Dateien Original_1.html, Original_2.html, Original_3.html, ..., Original_1822.html usw. In die Textvariante wird dabei automatisch eine URL integriert, um das Original bequem aufrufen zu können.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "SaveHTMLAs", Default: "c:\temp\Original_*.html")

4.3.4 Attachments extrahieren

Sofern z.B. der verwendete Mailreader mit Attachments nicht umgehen kann oder man diese gar nicht erst in der lokalen Datenbank haben möchte, erlaubt diese Option das automatische Entfernen und Speichern des Attachments. Sinn hat das im Normalfall nur bei eingehenden Mails bzw. in Copyif (ab Version 2.0). Das Verfahren hat dann Grenzen, wenn die Datei auf mehrere Mails/Postings aufgeteilt wurde, die gespeicherten Bruchstücke müssen dann manuell zusammengesetzt werden.

Attachments extrahieren / Zielpfad / Falls Dateiname existent:
Sofern die erste Option aktiviert ist, werden alle Attachments bei Multi-Part-MIME-Postings automatisch im gewählten Zielpfad abgespeichert, wobei der eingestellte Dateiname verwendet wird. Was passieren soll, wenn eine solche Datei schon existiert, kann ebenfalls noch eingestellt werden.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "SaveAttachments", Werte "0" oder "1", Default "0"; Option "SaveAttachmentsDir", Default "c:\temp"; Option "ActionIfAttExists", Werte "0" für "Nicht speichern" (Default), 1 für "Überschreiben", "2" für "Umbenennen")

4.3.5 Überflüssige Leerzeichen und Leerzeilen

Überflüssige Leerzeichen an Zeilenenden löschen:
Diese Funktion löscht alle Leerzeichen an Zeilenenden, solange diese nicht mit "-- " enden.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "RightTrimLines", Default: "0", also "Ja")

Leerzeilen am Posting/Mail-Ende löschen:
Löscht alle Leerzeilen am Text- und Signaturende, für OE-Nutzer besonders praktisch, da OE bei jeder Nachbearbeitung eines Postings noch zwei Leerzeilen anhängt.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "DeleteEmptyLines", Default: "0", also "Ja")

4.4. Header corrections (I-III)

The following functions modify the Headers of News or Mails. The defaults have been selected to not cause problems, but you should check them for your own needs.

4.4.1 Concerning all header lines:

Optimized ISO coding of headers:
This function helps mainly XNews or Free agent users, whose header entries are usually falsely (= not at all) coded, in addition, Forte agent users, since Forte agent does not handle coding optimaly: Particularly in the Subjectit disturbs everything including the "Re:", so that other newsreaders have unnecessary problems answering correctly. Improved coding also handles Base64-coding (when decoding) and the so-called "Folding" after 76 characters. The special features of the From or Replyto header are considered.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "CheckMIMEHeaders", default: "1", thus "yes ")

4.4.2 Subject-header

These functions serve to correct the Subject line, which in some programs also cause some "concern".

"Re: Hello (was: Huhu)" => "Re: Hello":
Shortening of the "was" section: According to netiquette Threads are to be renamed according to the following pattern:

Subject:  "hello" 
Subject:  "Re:  Hello"
Subject:  "bye (was:  Hello)" 
Subject:  "Re:  bye"
Most Win newsreader leave "was:" once set, leaving it to the user to correct the subject line, which in most cases means never. This can be completed therefore by Korrnews automatically. "(was:...)" will be removed by Korrnews if the appropriate option is activated (default) and the Subject begins with "Re:" (possibly corrected by another function)
(Korrnews.ini: Option "CheckSubjectKillWasAfterRe", default: "1", thus "TRUE")

"Re: AW: Re: Hello" => "Re: Hello " + list of the" Re" aliases:
Multiple "Re:"s: This option permits automatic shortening of repeated Res, from "Re: Re: Re: Hello" to "Re: Hello". This make even more sense, if the list is filled with false introduction aliases, to be able to shorten "Re: AW: Re: AW: Ups" to "Re: Ups" or "Re: Re^2: Ups" to "Re: Ups".
(Korrnews.ini: Option "DelDoubleRe", default: "1", thus "TRUE", and option "AnswerDesignators", default "AW, Re^2, Re^3, Re^4")

Subjectanfang nach "Re:" wandeln: (Change subject intro to "Re:")
Some newsreader use other contractions, e.g. old MS Newsreaders or the German Gravity version which is well-known (" AW ") or currently Lotus Notes with "response" instead of the correct "Re:". With this option the adjusted introduction is replaced automatically by Re:, if Korrnews corrects the article or the Mail. This option only makes sense if you use broken software, as the correction of 'other' false Res is the responsiblility of the previous option.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "ConvertToRe", default: empty)

Convert 8bit-chars to ASCII:
Since many newsreader have problems or errors in connection with 8bit-characters in the header (Netscape sets gladly a blank in addition, other newsreader shows the things coded on...), is it quite meaningfully to do voluntarily without 8bit-characters in the Subject. With this option Korrnews corrects the Subject if necessary accordingly, out "and tschuess! (Just my 2€)" will be "and tschuess! (Just my 2 euro)". The replacing list is at present not yet configurable, but for the umlauts it is always enough. The function operates only, if the Subject does not start with "Re:" begins, since modifications do not make sense within a current thread.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "CheckReplaceSubject8Bits", default: "0", thus "no")

4.4.3 From and Replyto headers

mail@adr (name) = >"name" <mail@adr>:
For formatting the address headers there are different alternatives. The in the meantime most common is the format "name" <mail@adr>, whereby the quotation marks are only necessary in certain cases (e.g. "." in name).
This option makes it possible automatically to update a "old" format generated by the News/Mailreader and/or if necessary add quotation marks. The later is necessary e.g. with agent users, since agent quite happily forgets the quotation marks.
(Korrnews.ini: Option " CheckFromReplyFormat ", default: is "0", thus "no", "1" for "yes")

4.4.4 LINES-header

Neu berechnen und automatisch setzen (recalculate and set automatically):

This option makes it possible to Korrnews to correct the header LINES after its modifications . At present this function is used only if no attachments are present. The other alternative is a "DELETE header Lines" statement in header.def, then in the case of doubt the mail or new server will generate this header subsequently.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "setlines", default: "1", thus "ja", "0" is for "no")

4.4.5 DATE-header

Set when:
This option makes it possible to set the DATE headers during the Korrnews run if it is still missing or even always.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "setdateheader", default: is "0", thus "never", "1" for "only, if missing" and "2" for "always")

Choose format:
Determines the format of the DATE header, if set by Korrnews. Either "GMT" or "local", in the second case the time zone is indicated.
(Korrnews.ini: Option " DATE header type ", default: "Local", the other option is called "GMT")

4.4.6 References headers

Since some new servers have problems with excessive References , this adjustment permits an automatic shortening to an adjustable maximum length. First and the last three Message IDs are preserved in any case, are shortened - if necessarily - otherwise starting from the second Message ID.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "MaxReferencesLength", default: 512)

Folding aktivieren (activate Folding):
Permittes the so-called "folding" of References i.e. out of

     References:  <899he5.3vvht89.0@mm.invalid.de> <38b8êc1/2fae/é9_tin-rules@metasystox.qad.org> <89bu3v$o0i$1@onlinenews.germany.net> <27-02-00.22-04-57.dcpm.2071@futzelnet.de> <89e4jj.3vvo747.0@hneu.de> <28-02-00.19-25-32.dcpm.2092@futzelnet.de> <89eqe0.3vvpgep.0@hneu.de > <slrn8bqoh3.ok.usenet@PowerPC.hazardous.org > <MTRD80884C70EC@metrodix.de> <slrn8bvvle.nn.usenet@PowerPC.hazardous.org> <MTRD81354C78DB@metrodix.de>
gets converted to:
   References:  <899he5.3vvht89.0@mm.invalid.de>
<89eqe0.3vvpgep.0@hneu.de >
<slrn8bqoh3.ok.usenet@PowerPC.hazardous.org >
The use is purely matter of taste.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "FoldingReferences", default: "0", thus "no")

4.4.7 Change Order of Headers:

This option permits a re-arranging of the headers according to your own wishes and corresponds to the appropriate "DOSortHeader" instruction within header.def. The latter - if available - will be executed after the option set here and thus takes priority.
Make sure during the input of the headers that they are separated with commas from each other, but a comma must not appear at the beginning or end of the list, since a run time error might occur
To actual functionality: The option ensures that all headers specified here are sorted to the start in the indicated order. Available, but specified headers will not become ignored, several times occurring headers among themselves sorted, all not mentioned headers land below in their original order.
The specific hamster Mail headers still have priority, if the appropriate option is active.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "sortheader", default: "0", thus "no")

4.4.8 X-Headerzeilen setzen/loeschen (set/delete X-Headers)

This option can also be achieved via the Header.def but this option makes them easier to use. You enter only the desired X-Headers, one header per line. The following:

  X-newsreader:  won't say
  X-newsreader-secret :  Forte-agent together with Korrnews&CO 
sets a "X-Newsreader"-header, which overwrites the origional; sets an additional header "x-newsreader-secret" and a possibly existing "x-Priority"-header is reset . If you also want to modify different headers (LINES etc.), you can use Header.def in addition.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "DelXHeader=Number_of_Headers" and options "DelXHeader-XX=Headerbez")

4.4.9 Copy-Fups-Korrektur (Correction for CopyFups):

Message-ID-Anfänge kürzen (shorten Message ID):
This option is intended for users by my "CopyFups.exe": CopyFups copies not only the Follow Ups, but adds a configuarable string to their Message-ID's if necessary. If directly reply to these copies, the References are naturally no longer correct. This can be repaired by Korrnews again. If CopyFups is in the same directory, Korrnews takes the necessary specification directly from the CopyFups.ini (Settings / AddToMessageID). Several deletion strings are possible and must be separated with commas.
The users of "CopyIf.exe" do not need this option at all, since CopyIf.exe and Korrnews communicate automatically the appropriate specification by means of win.ini.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "KillMessageIDBegins", default: empty)

4.4.10 Hamster-Mails

!MAIL FROM und !RCPT TO - Header zuerst (!MAIL FROM and!RCPT TO - headers first):
This option ensures that independently of re-arranging of the headers or a temporary deletion of one of these headers the two headers are always at the top. Otherwise hamster can get problems with sending. It is not recommended to turn off this option.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "HamsterHeaderFirst ", default: 1 = "on")

RCPT-To-Liste neu generieren (To, CC) (Re-generate RCPT-to-list (to, CC)):
If you modify the TO or CC-Entries of an email with korrnews, they are nevertheless not delivered correctly, since the distribution depends on the RCPT to Headern. These can be automatically re-generated by means of this option. During the re-generation Korrnews falls back to the TO and the CC-Headers. When re-generating old entries are not deleted, since otherwise BCC entries would not 'survive'. To limit the list to TO and CC the statement "Delete Header RCPT-To " is needed in Header.def as well the activation of the next option ("Auch, wenn noch keiner vorhanden")
(Korrnews.ini: Option "RecreateRCPT_To", default: 0 = "out")

Auch, wenn noch keiner vorhanden (Also, if none available):
For security Korrnews expects by default that a list already exists, before the RCPT-to list is re-produced. This safety can be turned off here.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "RecreateRCPT_To_Always", default: 0 = "out")

4.5. Body corrections

These options refer to everything below the headers - althaugh the options about character coding also affect the headers.

4.5.1 Body-Header

Korrnews permits additional headers to be inserted within a posting, which are then transformed automatically into genuine headers and can be used in Header.def for control purposes. An application would be e.g. a "Supersedes", which is not possible with Forte-Agent without additional effort.

Application looks in such a way:

If the first line begins with "X-" or "@" , this is changed into a genuine header, whereby "@" is used, if the header does not begin with x, The "@" will be omitted in the header. If the following lines are detected as pseudo headers, these are also transferred.


X-newsreader:  won't say
x-irony:  Detected 
@Reply-to: ithis.is.my@other.Addre.ss 

 xyz wrote:  

the normal x-newsreader-entry is overwritten, a pseudo entry x-irony is inserted, a corrected or new Reply-to is used and that the Organization header is deleted (even if the Provider will then probably use this for its own specification).

Instead of ":" is also admissible "=", this converts automatically in ":" if there is no other. The blank between ":" and the remainder will be generated if needed.

The "@"-version is deactivated by default.

Both permanent and temporary header content are checked automatically for special characters and converted if necessary according to ISO.

Temporary header have always priority over permanent Header.

A special meaning has the header "x-check-body: NO" - it allows to stop the modifications of the textbody for the current posting/mail.

Manuelle X-Header erlauben (Permit manual x-headers ):
permit additional x-headers, which can be defined directly in the Textbody,
(Korrnews.ini: Option "AllowXHeader", default: "1", thus "YES")

Manuelle sonstige Header erlauben (Permit manual other headers ):
permits also setting normal headers by starting them with "@".
(Korrnews.ini: Option "AllowAnyHeader", default: "0", thus "no")

4.5.2 Signature

In Signatur-Trenner wandeln (Change placeholder to sig-seperator):
In order to be able to use Outlook express signatures, all you need is to use any substitute symbol (i.e. "--"), which Korrnews automatically corrects to "-- ").
(Korrnews.ini: Option "ConvertToSigDelimiter", default: empty)

Random Sig-file:
This option permits the selection of a signature file from which - if there is no signature already - is used for the attached signature. Each Sig in this file has to begin with "-- ". If there is more than one the Sig randomly selected.
To use more specific sigs you have to use Header.def.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "SigFile", default: empty)

Leerzeile vor automatischer Sig (Blank line before automatic sig):
If the Sig is produced by Korrnews (using the previous option or Header.def), here is determined whether a blank line between end of text and Sig is to be inserted.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "BlankBeforeSig", default: " 0 ", thus "no")

4.5.3 Einrückungen (indentions)

This option provides an even indention in the textbody. Only lines beginning with a quoting character are processed.


   > >> > Huhu 
   > >> Blubb 
   > > Hi 
   > Like I said


   >>>> Huhu 
   >>> Blubb 
   >> Hi 
   > Like I said

All lines beginning with a quotation character are processed. In line with standard "> " and "|" are supported. If desired blanks be inserted in mixed quting blocks: e.g. ">>|>" becomes ">> | >". the blank between quotation characters and text is likewise optional.

The corrections can be switched off temporarly, which in the case of PGP blocks etc. might be meaningful. Also everything after the sig-seperator can be ignored.

Underscores like

   > > Huhu, there is a hot woman!
will stay if possible, errors in the algorithm are not known at present.

The options in detail:

Einrückungen optimieren (Optimize indentions ):
Decides whether the indentions are to be corrected at all.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "CheckQuotes", default: "1", thus "yes")

Leerzeichen zwischen Zitatzeichen und Text (Blank between quotation characters and text):
Decides whether there is a blank between the quotation characters and the text. (In case of corrections)
(Korrnews.ini: Option "CheckQuotes-AddSpaceBetweenQuoteAndText", default: "1", thus "yes")

Leerzeichen zwischen verschiedenen Zitatzeichen (Blank between different quotation characters):
Decides in the case of mixed quotation characters whether different quotation charactersare to be as separated by blanks.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "CheckQuotes-AddSpaceBetweenDifferentQuoteChars", default: "1", thus "yes")

Erlaubte Zitatzeichen (Permitted quotation characters):
Decides, which characters are to be considered as quotation characters.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "CheckQuotes-AllowedQuoteChars", default: ">|")

Keine Änderungen zwischen (No modifications between ...):
defines the lines, which are not to be corrrected. "*" can be used for wildcard-comparisons
(Korrnews.ini: Option "CheckQuotes-DoNotChange-Begin", default: "-----BEGIN PGP*", and option "CheckQuotes-DoNotChange-End", default: "-----END PGP*")

Keine Änderungen nach Signaturtrenner (No modifications after sig-seperator):
permits correction of quotation levels to stop at the (first) sig-seperator.
(Korrnews.ini: Option " CheckQuotes-DoNotChangeAfterSigDelimiter", default: "1", thus "Yes=no check")

4.6. Special functions:

4.4.1 Fußnoten-Automatik (footnote generator):

Converts footnote statements to footnotes, for details sees general configuration.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "ConvertFootnotes", default: "0", thus "no")

4.4.2 manuelle "Reformats" und "Oneliner":

manuellen "Reformat" ausführen: (execute manual "Reformat":
This function is mainly for "wavy" or excessive foreign quotation: By clasping the desired section with "RF:" at the start and "#" at the end everything inbetween will be formatted to the line length set in the footnote-section. i.e:

#note example missing in 4.02#
RF:This is an example of a totally broken line-makeup - partly
much to 
long lines and partly much too short. #
converts to:
  Thit is an example of a totally broken line-makeup - partly
much to long lines and partly much too short.
In the case of quotations is has to be noted that the "RF:" has to preceed the quotation character and that Korrnews provides all lines automatically with the quotation depth of the first line. Example:
  RF: >>  That is an example of a totally broken line-makeup
in the quotation - partly much too 
>> long lines and partly much too
short. #
becomes too:
 >> that is an example of a totally broken line-makeup in the quotation 
 >> - partly much to long lines and partly much too short.

(Korrnews.ini: Option "ConvertReformats", default: "0", thus "no")

manuelle "Oneliner" ausführen (execute manual "Oneliner") :
This option helps e.g., even if programs such as XNews force linebreaks in URLs. All sections, enclosed in "OL:" and "#" are combined into one line. Example:

tand/Gurkenglas/Inhalt.html #
converts too:

(Korrnews.ini: Option "ConvertOneliners", default: "0", thus "no")

4.6.3 Boxquotes

Converts box -statements into Boxquotes, for details see general configuration.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "ConvertBoxQuotes", default: "0", thus "no")

4.6.4 repair OE comb-quoting:

This function is particularly meant for Outlook express or Notes users: These are not able to exclude quoted text from the linewrapping. This bug can be eliminated here automated, if the original quotations are not excessive or are so briefly adjusted the own linewrapping too short.
The repair function pulls exactly lines together if the first line begins with ">" and the second line not, if the length of the assembled line between 60 and 90 characters is long and the second line under 15 characters is long or contains at least no blank. This should repair both most cases and avoid error recognitions to a large extent. In the own interest one should always set a blank line between quotations and own text.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "KillOEWordWraps", default: "0", thus "no")

4.6.5 Other:

Lösche am Zeilenanfang (Delete at the start of line):
At least with the agent I have the problem of needing long lines (source texts, Forwards to de.alt.netdigest, ect) now and then. Remedy is hereby possible. If I enter here "#+#" and in Agent a "#" into the list of the quotation characters set, then Agent will not wrap lines starting with "#+#" and Korrnews removes it before sending away, so that without further effort arbitrarily long lines are possible, which arrive completely normal with the recipient. The "Oneliner" which was added with V3.1, represents the other alternative.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "DelAtBegin", default: empty)

Leerzeile vor "Lines"-Einschub (Blank line before "Lines"):
"Set/Append Lines" is a special instruction in Header.def, to automate e.g. a greeting. Here it is determined whether before these lines a blank line is required.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "BlankBeforeLines", default: "1", thus "on")

Leerzeilen am Posting/Mail-Ende löschen (delete blank lines at end of Posting/Mail):
This function is particularly meant for Outlook Express user: Pure blank lines at the end of the Postings or the Mail are deleted automatically, this eliminated thus also the two blank lines at the end of text, added by OE for each handling.
(Korrnews.ini: Option "DeleteEmptyLines", default: "1", thus "on")

(to the table of contents)

4.7. Header.def

This file permittes very flexible corrections, for details see Header.txt (sq2.88). However, be sure to know what you are doing!

(to the table of contents)

4.8. Reihenfolge der diversen technischen Korrekturen

Für alle übergebenen Korrnews.Ini-Abschnitte wird folgendes durchlaufen:

(Zum Inhaltsverzeichnis)

5. Notes on various new readers

5.1. Introduction

Here is a small overview about newsreaders and their special features in connection with Korrnews.

5.2. Forte agent

If "Threading by Subject" is used The option "Re: Hello (was: Huhu)" => "Re: Hello" results in a new thread not only for the the renamed Subject but also for the new subject without the " (was:...)". Nevertheless I consider the option as worthwhile.

If your name includes special characters like ".", you should activate the option concerning From/Reply-to.

5.3. Forte Free agent

If "Threading by Subject" is used The option "Re: Hello (was: Huhu)" => "Re: Hello" results in a new thread not only for the the renamed Subject but also for the new subject without the " (was:...)". Nevertheless I consider the option as worthwhile.

The option "Reaktion auf undeklarierte 8-Bit-Zeichen" (reaction to undeclared 8-bit characters) should be either on "Deklaration als ISO-8859-1" (declaration as ISO-8859-1) or "Umwandeln in 7-Bit-Zeichen" (convert to 7-Bit-Chars), since Free agent cannot define umlauts/8bit-chars correctly.

If your name includes special characters like ".", you should activate the option concerning From/Reply-to.

5.4. Outlook Express & MS News

The OE Comb-Quoting correction should be used, to produce proper quoting without continous effort.

The option "In Signatur-Trenner wandeln" (change to sig-seperator) should be used, if you find signaturers important and want to create them within OE.

The option "Leerzeilen am Posting/Mail-Ende löschen" (delete blank lines at the end of Posting/Mail) is likewise much recommended.

AFAIK (the German Version of) MS News uses "AW:" instead of "Re:" to signify replys. This can simply be corrected with the option "Subjectanfang nach "Re:" wandeln" (change subject to "Re:") by simply entering "AW".

Some unnecessary header entries can be deleted by Header.def or with the option "X-Headerzeilen":


5.5. Netscape Mozilla

The option "Optimierte ISO-Kodierung der Header-Zeilen" (optimized ISO coding of the header lines) is not necessary, as Mozilla already codes rather perfectly, but no harm is done by activating the option. The in part more primitive coding of Korrnews is at times even more practical, since the Mozilla version is not interpreted correctly by some newsreaders.

With the Header.def or "X-Headerzeilen" you can clean up the headers and remove the in most cases incorrectly produced Message ID by using

  Message ID:  

5.6. Anaware Gravity

In the German version Gravity uses "AW:" instead of "Re:" to signify replys. This can simply be corrected with the option "Subjectanfang nach "Re:" wandeln" (change subject to "Re:") by simply entering "AW".

The option "Reaktion auf undeklarierte 8-Bit-Zeichen" (reaction to undeclared 8-bit characters) should be either on "Deklaration als ISO-8859-1" (declaration as ISO-8859-1) or "Umwandeln in 7-Bit-Zeichen" (convert to 7-Bit-Chars), since Gravity cannot define umlauts/8bit-chars correctly.

5.7. XNews

The option "Reaktion auf undeklarierte 8-Bit-Zeichen" (reaction to undeclared 8-bit characters) should be either on "Deklaration als ISO-8859-1" (declaration as ISO-8859-1) or "Umwandeln in 7-Bit-Zeichen" (convert to 7-Bit-Chars), since XNews cannot define umlauts/8bit-chars correctly.

XNews does not set a "DATE-headers", this can be done by Korrnews in order to at least pinpoint the time of dispatch.

The Header.def should contain the following in view to mailing lists:

 ;  X-News-bug concerning Mailreplies
If Header(In-Reply-To) = "" and Header(To) > ""
  in-Reply-to:  %Last(Header(References))%

5.8. Lotus Notes

Lotus Notes uses "AW:" instead of "Re:" to signify replys. This can simply be corrected with the option "Subjectanfang nach "Re:" wandeln" (change subject to "Re:") by simply entering "AW". You should delete the double Re's at the same time.

The OE Comb-Quoting correction should be used, to produce proper quoting without continous effort.

Further bugs which could be corrected are not known to me, which might be because of the fact that Notes is rather useless as a newsreader and thus rarely used in Usenet.

6. Support for Korrnews & Co

Assistance to Korrnews, CopyFups, MixGroup and CopyIf is found in the hamster hierarchy in the groups



If errors or special problems emerge, you can contact also me personally, but I cannot guarantee a certain speed of reply. Please note: don't use my gmx address, but depending upon program you are refering to:


Much fun with Korrnews!

Thomas G. Liesner